In my life I’ve lived through a lot of inconsistency – a lot of instability, a lot of change. Much of this came from people/circumstances outside of me, and in other instances change has sprouted from deep within me. Ironically enough, if there’s one thing that has been consistent in my life, it’s change.
Sure, “change is inevitable” for all of us, right?
That’s just part of being human. Yet, there are the changes we experience as a natural part of our evolution, and then there are the changes we consciously choose. For me the call to change has been a powerful and significant force, one that has deeply impacted my life’s unfolding, and fiercely directed the turns I’ve chosen to take on my path.
Today is the first day of a Mercury Retrograde. (It will go until June 22, and you can read more about it here.) In a nutshell, these periods are all about the “re-” words – reflect, review, realign, renew, recharge, etc… This important planetary phase is an invitation to tie up loose ends, to reassess where you are now, and where you’re headed moving forward.
In perfect synchronicity, I am personally in another phase of reinvention. Though, this time is different in many ways than in years/decades past, where changes were more definitive, marking clear completions and shifts into new chapters – jobs, full on careers, relationships… I feel the potency of this current shift deep within me, yet its essence is more about claiming & expressing myself and all parts of me more wholly. So rather than a black & white change into something brand new, it’s more of a blossoming or a graduating of sorts; an important expansion into the next iteration of myself, and my next chapter in this lifetime.
For as long as I can remember, music has been my greatest love.
One of the main aspects of this reinvention phase is about sharing my internal world, officially launching my original music into the external world with my sacred project Allow Being. The work I’ve been doing, especially these last few months logistically speaking, has had me in a very aware place of this deep shift.
This reshaping, revealing, reclaiming, remembering is also deeply interwoven with other areas of my personal healing and growth in regard to relationships, lineage, and soul purpose. It’s all connected, which makes it that much more imperative to give myself over to it.
Gratefully, I’ve never struggled with this part.
In my life I have been unabashedly trusting in Spirit and my intuition, leaping without hesitation into the unknown, into big changes, businesses, and projects.. And I can say wholeheartedly I have never regretted making a big, bold move. Every experience has prepared me for the next, every level there’s been something to learn, and overall it’s that my human simply evolves this way – if I want to truly honor myself, I must listen and flow on.
In all this recent reflection, I recalled a post I shared more than a few years ago now on Instagram, at a time when I was amidst another shifting, changing, reinvention. Maybe it will bring some inspiration to your desire for change, or ease to any doubt you’ve had if you’ve been a changer like me. Or maybe it’s simply just something of which to know the truth – that it’s OK to reinvent yourself.
As I see it, it goes far beyond being “ok”, it is in fact essential to our ability to live into the fullest expression of who we are here to be, what we are here to birth, what we are here to experience; how we serve, how we love, and how we thrive.
Whether it’s a tiny change or the full gamut, you’re allowed to change. I’m allowed to change. We get to choose.
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