A New Groove
Around the age of 4, I remember feeling a deep, clear understanding that I was experiencing the world in a different way than the other children around me. I didn't quite have the language to express this the way I do now, though, the feeling is visceral, and I can still picture exactly where I was when this realization occurred.
While I still had friends, and played just fine with other kids and my siblings, my awareness of the depth at which I felt, and subsequently felt different, incited a pattern of unhealthy inwardness, and a growing belief in the need for self-protection.
As an Empath/HSP, I pick up on emotions and energies FIRST.
And very subtle things like a look in someone's eye, the slightest gesture or mannerism, or how the wind feels on my skin. I assess and gauge my surroundings in a split second, and can know what someone's feeling without them having to tell me much.
My life is guided by sense information — what I feel — by intuitive understanding/knowing, much more than fact, or any other concrete, linear way of navigating the world.
In truth, this type of deep sensitivity is a tremendous gift. Yet (especially in our American culture) being sensitive and listening to Intuition are things we're not only taught to not value or trust, we're taught to believe that we are in fact weak in our sensitivity, and foolish in listening to our gut instincts only.
Growing up & living in this type of programming can be very damaging.
This program asks that you deny the very core essence of who you are. It creates deep grooves of shame in the psyche, painful confusion & insecurity, and a debilitating lack of self-trust or feeling safe in the world.
After living through the above-mentioned programming and pain myself, here's what I can confidently say now — unwinding this program IS possible. Healing it and living a life that truly expresses who you are is POSSIBLE. And it's closer than you probably think.
Me and my mom clownin’ around ;)
I've personally come to a place of joyous resolve that being "different" is a wonderful thing! I didn't come to this Earth to do life like anyone else, and neither did you. And I'm here supporting you all the way in living your life to the fullest expression of your different-ness.
You are gifted, and you are a gift. We're in this together. Here's to creating a NEW type of groove.
The gal behind Held In The Heart. The Community Journal is a space for those who feel deeply to express freely. We explore all sorts of things here, from the real & raw healing stories & creative writing, to the funny & fleeting moments of everyday human life. I warmly welcome you and invite you to explore with us!