We All Know the Sticky Ones

Recently I saw a great meme saying something along the lines of 'You know you're an adult when you receive a package in the mail, and your first thought is: "Ooo this is a really good box, I'm gonna hold onto this one..."

I am totally this person! And in chuckling about the truth in this, I realized that I am totally this person with glass jars also. Any food item that comes in a good sturdy jar, YES. I'm definitely gonna hold onto it. (Bonus points if there's no branding on the lid.)


In my house, glass jars get re-purposed, mostly for decanting dry good foods and snacks into. I like storing food in glass, and I'm also quite satisfied by the aesthetic of said jars when I open my cabinet as well.

I ideally like the glass to be completely clear and clean. This of course means removing any labels or stickers from the jars.

Sometimes a label is the kind with that amazing clean-peel adhesive that just comes right off smoothly and effortlessly... ahhh it's SO satisfying.

Other times a label needs a bit more coaxing, i.e. soaking the jar in hot water for a day or two, and putting in a little elbow grease with the use of a helpful tool like a scrubby pad to get it clean.

And then there's the toughest one of all.

The SUPER stuck-on one you would swear is intentionally fighting you to stay on that jar. The one that require two days of soaking AND the use of the last resort toxic Goo Gone to fully remove it.

This reflection got me thinking how similar this is to our human experience & healing journey. Everything that is stuck, everything that we hold onto, all the old fears/beliefs – they're like old labels on our jar.

As we choose to heal, some labels will come off fairly easily, some will require a bit more effort... and others? Well, they're the biggies that will require the greatest dedication & commitment to peeling... little by little over many years, possibly for a lifetime.

The labels that challenge you the most may also be the most tempting to give-up on. Their stubbornness will push on all your vulnerabilities, all your buttons...

They'll hit right up against your deepest pain.

Avoiding the great discomfort of all this, easily seduces people to give up on themselves every day. They give the label their power and let the untrue thing stay plastered all over them. And then they move through the world continuing to wear labels that don't authentically express who they are on the inside.


Yet, when one commits, when one chooses not to give up on themselves, these labels wear thin, and the power they have lessens. Their super stubborn sticky adhesive weakens. The more you stay with it, the more each little bit of that label will peel away, and the more you'll be able to see clearly the truth of what's within you.

Or, you'll have a clean jar to fill with something new.

And even if a little corner of that adhesive still hangs on, it's not covering up what's inside anymore. And instead of being an "imperfection", or something you feel like will be working against you forever, it simply becomes a little something that gives you character... a quirk that keeps you humble AND makes you stronger – something you can work with.

I am holding a big wide open space for you to peel your labels over here... and if you need a helpful tool for the scrubbing, I've got lots to share.


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