Mantra: Healing the Lungs
In August 2019 we watched “the lungs of the Earth” gasping for breath as intense fires burned through millions of acres of the Amazon Rainforest. Barely six months later, our human lungs are under attack as we face the newest coronavirus, COVID-19, a disease that causes (what can be severe) respiratory illness.
As someone who lives in the knowing that ALL things are connected, and that absolutely nothing is without purpose, my Intuition has been telling me there is no coincidence in the alignment of these events.
In energy medicine, the lungs are the part of the body where the emotion of grief is stored.
When this energy is not expressed, a.k.a. felt, it will build up here and create imbalance, a.k.a. dis-ease. Grief is a strong emotion. It can be scary and overwhelming, and in many cultures we are not raised with the proper tools to express it (and many other challenging emotions), and/or we are taught that it is not ok to have such strong feelings. So it gets buried.
As a human species, I feel we are carrying a tremendous amount of grief in our DNA — from long past generations’ pain and traumas, and from more recent decades’ actions, particularly our treatment of Mother Earth. And for awhile now, She has been responding. And largely, we’ve not been listening.
So God is stepping in with something that is forcing us to listen.
We are being called to awaken. This is a small bit of my perspective. It may not be for everyone, though maybe it’s something you’ll consider. Usually when we are in crisis, we become consumed because we are looking at something so closely that we can’t see anything else. It’s highly important in all challenges that we learn how to pull ourselves (our vantage point) away from that 3-foot perspective and go waaay up to see things from the 30,000-foot perspective, or 3 million-foot. Are you willing to see the bigger picture in all this? Can you consider how everything is connected and happening to serve our growth?
Photograph by NASA/Barry Wilmore
In the Bhakti Yoga tradition, we acknowledge a Divine force by the name of Hanuman (hahn-oo-mahn). Hanuman symbolizes the Sadhana Shakti, or the power of daily spiritual practice. He is the symbol of the power of faith & trust that can move mountains. He is born of the Cosmic Prana (our life-force energy), the Wind God named Vayu. Thus Hanuman is known as Son of the Wind.
Because Hanuman is the Wind, he is closely associated with the power of the breath, and the practice of Pranayama — the yogic healing practice of conscious breathing, a.k.a. Breathwork.
Hanuman is the Divine Breath in our lungs.
He is the symbol of strength and energy, and the liberator of fear. He is revered for his unyielding selfless dedication and devotion to God, and as such is considered the living embodiment of Bhakti Yoga — demonstrating absolute love and devotion through selfless service, or Seva.
Hanuman says, "I am a humble messenger of God. I have come here to serve God, to do His work. I am fearless by the Grace of God. I am not afraid of death. I welcome it if it comes while serving God."
He is fully focused. Committed. Unwavering in his trust.
One of my personal practices includes the chanting/singing of the ancient Hanuman Chalisa, a devotional prayer comprised of 40 verses paying homage to Hanuman. Within these verses, we are calling on the support and healing power of the Universe — God in the form of the sacred breath, and the divine force that eradicates fear and disease. A few examples:
In the Invocation: Mangala moorati maaruta nandana, Sakala amangala moola nikandana – Translates as: You are the embodiment of blessings, Son of the Wind, You destroy the root of everything that is inauspicious and harmful.
Verse 20: Durgama kaaja jagata ke jete, Sugama anugraha tumhare tete — Translates as: Every difficult task in this world becomes easy by your grace.
Verse 25: Naasai roga hare saba peeraa, Japata nirantara Hanumata beeraa — Translates as: All disease and pain is eradicated, Brave Hanuman, by constant repetition of your name.
In the closing: Pawanatanaya sankata harana mangala moorati roopa – Son of the Wind, destroyer of sorrow, embodiment of blessing, Live in my heart.
Hanuman wall tile I capture while staying in Rishikesh, India.
For a more compact way to call on Hanuman’s healing — one that’s certainly easier to memorize! — we can repeat the simple Mantra Om Shree Hanumate Namaha. This Mantra calls on Hanuman and connects us with the divine frequency of the sacred element of Air. It restores the balance of this wind-force within us and cleanses the space in the physical body where it resides — the lungs.
This Mantra translates as:
Om and salutations to Hanuman, the embodiment of awakened pranic energy.
We have an opportunity to expand and experience great healing at this time. Hanuman teaches us what it means to overcome tremendous challenge — to face life or death circumstances with grace and unshakeable trust in the Universe. To remain grounded in the knowing that we are supported by Love. When we turn our focus again and again to this Love, when we offer our hearts and our actions in devotion and service, it is in this that we are fulfilling our purpose — and along the way we heal ourselves and Mother Earth.
Here is a general breakdown of this translation:
Om (Aum): The Divine Word and primordial origin of Sound (used to enter a state of mindful, physical and emotional awareness)
Shree: Salutations (Great/Goddess/Lord/Divine)
Hanumate: "to Hanuman"
Namaha: (Same as "Namo") To honor or solute
Sanskrit: ॐ हनुमते नम
What is Sanskrit?
Sanskrit is an ancient language of India. Poems, prayers, and scriptures of India and the Yoga tradition are commonly written in Sanskrit. These Mantras can be chanted, or spoken (silently or aloud) during meditation.
Sanskrit Mantras are sound formulas, packed with energy & intention, that have a profound effect on the body-mind. When these sound waves (Mantras) are combined with thought waves (intentions), they become powerful tools for insight, healing, creativity and spiritual growth… Learn more and grab your FREE download →
The gal behind Held In The Heart. The Community Journal is a space for those who feel deeply to express freely. We explore all sorts of things here, from the real & raw healing stories & creative writing, to the funny & fleeting moments of everyday human life. I warmly welcome you and invite you to explore with us!