The Reason We Need To Be Spontaneous
The weather in Southern Ohio fluctuates dramatically. Right now it’s Spring (ordinarily 70s) but feels like late Winter time (currently 40s), and this type of roller coaster is not a fun one to ride. We’ve had more cold and cloudy days than I can remember at this time of year. It sucks. With that it becomes easy to clam up and not enjoy the opportune moments that I do get.
I wish everyday was more sunshiny and less “quarantiny”. You know, like back in the old days, say 2019-ish. (It seems soo long ago…)
Early on a recent Saturday morning my friend, Nikki, promptly ask me to go on a bike ride. Nikki is an active extraordinaire. She always comes up with challenges and asks me to do random things. I met her a few years ago at the gym I work, and have joined a lot of adventures with her and her husband, John.
With them I’ve ran 48 miles in 1 weekend,
been trail running at 12:00am in a State Park, participated in hundred mile relay races, and wore ugly sweaters at non-ugly sweater parties. They’ve always asked me to join, and I’ve always begrudgingly said ‘yes’. Truth be told I do have fun throughout it all. Without them I wouldn’t be in the physical conditioning that I am in today.
Original Photo by Trey
Movement is tough. I’ve worked as a Personal Trainer for 8 years; motivating myself and those around me. I hear most often people say “I’m just not motivated and don’t have the energy.” I’ve heard this so many times I don’t even have to know people are going to say it. I can see it in their energy. It’s not sad to me because I know the truth of it.
We’re all honestly motivated. That’s the good news. We’re just not inspired. We don’t think the effort we give is going to be “enough”. I get it. We don’t live in an inspiring world right now. Hope seems hard to cultivate. That’s the bad news and it doesn’t seem to be getting any better.
Often times we can’t wait on the good news or the ideal weather. We’ve just got to go. So, when Nikki asked me to go on a bike ride I was in.
No plans. Just GO.
I like to be active and I’m ordinarily routine, but this was particularly nice because of the spontaneity. It was a just "get out and go" bike ride. I am fond of this type of activity (spontaneous) because it brings more richness to the experience. No plans nor expectations. It’s like a party, but without the drinks!
Photo by Richard Penwell
So I went out the door without my phone. Nothing is going to disturb me, I thought. Besides finding out it was quite windy when I walked outside. Which is not exactly fun on a bike ride. To hell with it though. Could be worse, right? Well, as we rode out 15 miles I ran over a thorn on the bike path and my tire went flat. I had the tools to repair the tube, but they broke as I tried to fix them and I had to rely on Nikki to call her husband to bring the pump.
Photo by Nikki McDonnell
Having all of this happen still did not bother me one bit. I didn’t have my phone, but I had a friend who was willing to call. My tools fell apart, but John was more than happy to bring his pump. This didn’t feel like an inconvenience. Along the way I was able to talk with Nikki and she’s always a good friend who resonates with what I have to share, which made the wind more than bearable. I got to be out for 3 hours and forget there was even anything going on in the world. It was just right.
I often find that planned events that I get excited about turn out to be flat... like my tire. But with this I still had an elated morale. It didn't feel like a set back. Simply a part of the joy of it. Everything turned out okay, and I think that we all lose sight of this. Thinking those circumstances that are preventing us from doing what we desire to do will be worse-case scenario or fatalistic. It just never happens that way. We make it along. We have a better experience because of this and not in spite.
We need two things: our spontaneity AND our set-backs.
They not only make us grow, but they give for a better experience. So, I suppose I want to say, GO! Yes. Now. Go for it!! I’ll bring the bike pump if you need it.
The gal behind Held In The Heart. The Community Journal is a space for those who feel deeply to express freely. We explore all sorts of things here, from the real & raw healing stories & creative writing, to the funny & fleeting moments of everyday human life. I warmly welcome you and invite you to explore with us!