Mexico is Calling
So I’ve never been to Mexico. At all. I know, I lived in Southern California for the last 11 years and literally never crossed the border. There were just always other places I was being called to explore, and I just figured, I’ll get there eventually…
For about a year now, the words 'Mexico City' have been coming into my energy field. Meaning, I keep hearing about it from others, how wonderful it is.. I see it in an ad in a magazine… and it reveals itself to me in other ways – things I stumble upon reading, or other seemingly random signs. There is a resonance I feel, and for awhile now, I have acknowledged that my Soul must have some “business” to attend to there. Something deep in my Heart keeps saying,
“I need to go there one day.”
Jump to this past Sunday – September 18, 2017. I am here in California again after many months on the road. I’ve come to San Diego to visit some friends and take a breather – to catch up on work after a busy few weeks of driving cross-country, furthering my Mantra studies at a Kirtan Training, and leading our Bhakti Healing Retreat in Joshua Tree. Earlier this year, I had intended to be heading back to Italy at this time, upon the close of our Retreat. But plans evolved, and a couple months ago I felt called to stay State-side for the remainder of this year. These next few months are being played by ear – flexible, staying focused on the next phases of Held In The Heart, geographical locations TBD.
So I arrive here in San Diego earlier this week, taking a restful Sunday with my dear friend, Amber – a fellow traveler/world explorer – and we are daydreaming about taking ourselves on a vacation to celebrate our upcoming birthdays together. The conversation was spurred by her sharing with me the plans she was making to go on her own to Mexico next month, she had already booked a flight to Guadalajara. She’s coaxed, “You should come with me! Come on, you deserve to treat yourself to a vacation! To travel just for FUN, to celebrate your birthday, NOT for work!” My initial reaction being, of course, yes it would be wonderful! Though, I do not have the funds right now, building my community is my priority at this time, I’m planning to be on the road before then back to Albuquerque, and so on…
It keeps marinating. And I say to her, “Ya know, for awhile now I have been feeling a call to Mexico City. Have you ever been there?” She says no, and proceeds to tell me though that she has also heard wonderful things. So after a little back and forth, some discussion of changing her flight to instead arrive to Mexico City, and some big intuitive hits I am hearing to “JUST DO IT” – I say “Ok, let’s do it!”
So we do.
We changed her flight and booked us both to fly into Mexico City on October 16th.
Approximately 36 hours later, it's Tuesday, September 19th, I am on a conference call with my Spiritual Coach & about 10 others in our group program. This group consists of individuals sprinkled all over the globe, including my Teacher herself who is based in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. She is well-aware that in a matter of hours, Hurricane Maria will arrive to her home, and still she is present with us, grateful to maintain her internet connection to keep our scheduled session together. We are diving deep into our energetic work, and much of the information that is coming through from Source has to do with the many powerful shifts that Mother Earth is experiencing – these “natural disasters” as they’re defined are simply our great Mother realigning Herself, Her body, to what is changing. We are receiving clarity about what these shifts mean, and what our jobs are – why our Souls are called to be here during this time.
Our call finishes around 1:30pm Pacific Time, and right then – slightly out of character for me – I look at the “News” section on my phone. I see that 1 hour ago, while we were on our call, a 7.1 magnitude Earthquake was simultaneously occurring just near Mexico City. This place where, only 36 hours prior, I had spontaneously booked a flight to go.
My Heart felt a powerful punch. I KNEW. Immediately I knew this was why my intuition pushed me to say yes and book the trip. I had still been sort of grappling with the idea of just “taking a vacation” – not because I am a work-obsessed, don’t-know-how-to-stop working type of person, (even if in my dedication it appears that way sometimes…) but because my Dharma as a Lightworker is to be in Service ALWAYS. My “work” is not separate from my life. It’s happening all the time, in everything I do – and it brings me more Joy than anything! It’s not something I actually need or want to take a break from. And though I knew I would of course continue to be in my Service of bringing Light to any interactions I was to have on this trip, the thought of taking a vacation “just because”, with no intended purpose – something I’ve actually never even had the chance to do – was feeling somewhat lackluster to me. One part of me felt this strong YES to go, and another part of me was like, ummmm… I don’t really want to just “take a break” right now… my Heart wasn’t feeling entirely lit up about it in all honesty. It simply wasn't exactly clear to me why this was unfolding now.
So when I saw the news of the Earthquake, the “Why?” I was feeling was answered. The Universe planned it this way all along. I was supposed to go there because this was going to happen. Now, let me be clear: my Heart does NOT feel lit up about the devastation and loss that people are experiencing there – I hope that goes without saying. What my Heart feels lit up about, is the opportunity to Serve. It runs DEEP, this knowing that I’m being sent on a Service Assignment by God. So, it is in the confirmation of the call I felt to Mexico City, that I feel deeply humbled and privileged to go and do whatever I am capable of to contribute to the Healing that is needed now.
I’m still a bit unsure exactly what this will all look like.
But I know I am to bring Love, and anchor some Light in a place where a lot of fear energy, and sadness and despair, has just been activated, and re-activated. We are only a couple days into the unfolding of events there, and I still have a little over 3 weeks until I will travel. So there is much to be revealed prior to my departure.
What I know right now is this: I have created a Held In The Heart Earthquake Support Fund via PayPal to collect donations from any of you who feel called to give. The monies gathered will either be turned over as a direct monetary donation to a charitable relief organization, and/or it will be used to purchase supplies that I will pack and travel down there with. This decision will ultimately be based on what information comes in regarding what is needed the most in a few weeks time. I will stay in constant communication with you all about the plans as they evolve, via my pages on Instagram and Facebook.
Any recommendations or insights are greatly appreciated. I feel this is a collective community effort, and I am simply going as a Representative for us all. Please leave a comment here, or send me an email to offer your thoughts. I also ask that you please feel free to share this post with whatever conscious online mediums or groups you engage with. Every bit of support will help. We're all in this together.
As for my Coach in PR, I have yet to hear any news of her safety or whereabouts. As you probably know, the entire island is without power, therefore it is almost impossible to communicate with anyone there about their status. Your loving thoughts and prayers for her and her family, and everyone there in Puerto Rico – and the many other beings and places that are experiencing similar chaos right now – are humbly requested and sincerely appreciated.
My Infinite Love goes out to each of You. Thank you for your presence, and for sharing in this Great Journey with me. As I often say to you – KNOW that all is happening exactly as it should, every moment of every single day. Keep listening, keep trusting, keep Loving, and keep Serving. This is what we came here for.
Make a community contribution to support Earthquake Relief efforts.
If your Heart is not calling you to contribute here, please consider making a direct donation to one of the many organizations involved in the relief efforts in Mexico, Puerto Rico (& the other Caribbean areas effected by the Hurricanes), Texas, Florida, or anywhere else in the World that is in need of Healing. Regardless of any dollars donated or not, please offer a bit of your time to dedicate some Prayers and Loving energy to our Great Planet and ALL Beings around the Globe who are suffering in any way. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.
The gal behind Held In The Heart. The Community Journal is a space for those who feel deeply to express freely. We explore all sorts of things here, from the real & raw healing stories & creative writing, to the funny & fleeting moments of everyday human life. I warmly welcome you and invite you to explore with us!